What are anabolic steroids? Steroids are a very large class of compounds which occur in all animals. The steroids used by athletes are mostly androgenic steroids: steroids which act like testosterone. The steroids used to treat inflammatory disorders (e.g. prednisolone, cortisone,beclomethasone, budesonide, dexamethasone and dozens of others) are cortico steroids and do not have anabolic effects. Testosterone in the male is produced mainly in the testis, a small amount being produced in the adrenal. It is synthesized from cholesterol. The regulation of its production may be simplified thus: the hypothalamus(part of the brain) produces gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) which acts on the anterior pituitary to increase the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH acts on the Leydig cells in the testis, causing them to produce testosterone. FSH, together with testosterone act on the Sertoli cells in the testis to regulate the production and maturation of spermatozoa. Testosterone in turn acts on thehypothalamus and anterior pituitary to suppress the production of GnRH, FSHand LH, producing a negative-feedback mechanism which keeps everything well-regulated. The small amount produced in the adrenal (in both sexes) is regulated by secretion of adrenal corticotrophic hormone (ACTH), also secreted by the pituitary. Testosterone, and its metabolites such as dihydrotestosterone, act in many parts of the body, producing the secondary sexual characteristics ofthen male: balding, facial and body hair, deep voice, greater muscle bulk,thicker skin, and genital maturity. At puberty it produces acne, the growth spurt and the enlargement of the penis and testes as well as causing thefusion of the epiphyses (through its conversion to estrogen), bringing growth in height to an end. It plays some role in maintaining the sexualorgans in the adult, but only a low concentration is required for this. The normal production of testosterone in the adult male is 4 to 9mg per day. The normal plasma concentration is 22.5nmol/l, of which 97% is protein bound. Most is excreted in the urine as 17-keto steroids, but a small amount is converted to oestrogens. Various analogs of testosterone are used in medical treatment of testicular failure, hereditary angioedema, anemia, severe endometriosis anda few other conditions. Testosterone itself is given by injection. Oral preparations such as methyltestosterone, fluoxymesterone, mesterolone andstanolone are sometimes used, but they cause substantially more liverdamage than injectable or rectally administered preparations because they are absorbed from the gut and transported first to the liver (like most things taken by mouth), where they reach quite high concentrations and are extensively metabolized before circulating to the rest of the body. Many other analogs have been developed with more anabolic effect than testosterone. These include such famous names as stanozolol, nandrolone,ethyloestrenol and oxymetholone. They all have substantially the same effects as testosterone: retention of sodium, potassium, water, calcium,sulfate, and phosphate, increased muscle synthesis in response to exercise and possible increases in aggression and or libido. They act on the hypothalamus and pituitary to suppress the productionof GnRH, FSH and LH, causing a virtual cessation in the production of natural testosterone in the testes and also reducing or stopping the production of spermatozoa. This effect does not always reverse when the artificial androgens are stopped. Cancers of the prostate are frequently dependent on testosterone(hence their treatment by castration) and they may progress very rapidly in the presence of high level of androgens. A percentage of testosterone is converted to estrogen and some artificial androgens have some estrogen effect as well, causing enlargement of the breast tissue behind the nipple (gynaecomastia). This is occasionally seen naturally in pubescent boys and a small percentage of the adult male population. This effect may be reduced by drugs which inhibit the binding of estrogen to its receptors: e.g.clomiphene, cyclofenil and tamoxifen or drugs that block the enzyme,aromatase, that converts testosterone to estrogen. So are they safe? The approval and use of any drug is a matter of deciding whether the therapeutic benefits from its use are worth the adverse effects. No drug is safe; acetaminophen (paracetamol) causes some verynasty fatal poisonings, aspirin causes rare cases of devastating skinreactions. Problems occur with every pharmaceutical and it is usually dose dependent. However, the concensus is that they save enough lives and alleviate enough problems to more than compensate for the bad effects. In therapeutic doses, steroids result in few side effects. Androgenic steroids have a fairly limited use in medicine. They are effective in males with testicular failure and are occasionally used inosteoporosis and as an appetite stimulant in severely wasted patients. In the past they were also used to treat anemia, however, more effective treatements now exist for this disease. In these cases the benefits clearly outweigh the risks for the patient. Using them for essentiallycosmetic or frivolous reasons doesn't produce much of value to compensate for the risks associated with their abuse. Using drugs under medical supervision doesn't make the drugs any safer, it just gives a greater chance that the adverse effects may be picked up sooner, and it decreases the chances that an abusive quantity will be used. What Side effects are commonly seen with steroid use? First, there are many different anabolic steroids and based on how the body handles them, they have very different side effects. Some steroids have virtually no side effects and to lump all anabolic steroids into one category (in terms of benefit or harm) shows a lack of understanding with respect to their pharmacological action. In therapeutic doses, 100 mg deca-durabolin per week for example, very fewside effects are observed. Unfortunately, most athletes will not restrict their use to therapeutic doses. What happens when athletes take some of the harsher anabolic steroids in abusive dosages? Numerous side effects can result while on steroids including acne, increased sex drive, impotence, liver problems, aggression and psychological dependence. Other side effects, including gynecomastia(bitch tits), high blood pressure, other cardiovascular diseases, baldness, stunted growth in adolescents, and enlargement of pre existing prostate tumors can persist even after steroid use has stopped. Female steroid users, in addition to the problems listed above, can have virilizing(masculinizing) symptoms when using the harsher, androgenic compounds,including amenorrhea (which is reversible), clitoral hypertrophy, deepervoice, excessive growth of body hair, loss of scalp hair and alterations in skin texture (which frequently aren't reversible). Not all of these conditions are caused by all anabolic steroids. Some of the harsher anabolic steroids will only cause these problems for a certain percentage of the users, above certain dosages. Some of the milder anabolic steroids cause almost none of these side effects. There fore, it is a mistake to state that all steroid users will come down with these side effects. Any such silly statements will be readily flamed on m.f.w. Most of the sideeffects of steroid use result from the conversion of testosterone to estrogen or dihydrotestosterone. Some anabolic steroids do not undergo this conversion. These steroids will have fewer side effects. Commonly, guys will post a question to the group asking if they should beconcerned about side effects, like gyno, when taking 200 mg/week of deca-durabolin. This demonstrates a lack of understanding with respect to the side effects of anabolic steroids. This person should do more readingon the subject before proceeding because deca undergoes very little aromatization to estrogen, making the chances of gyno quite small,especially at such a low dose. A more valid question that is often asked is will 250 mg/week of testosterone make nolvadex necessary during a cycle to prevent gyno. Testosterone will convert to estrogen readily. However, gyno and many ofthe side effects of testosterone, don't show up at such low doses. Infact, testosterone has been shown to be relatively safe up to 600 mg/week FOR SHORT DURATION USE! Those interested in this should read the July 4.1996 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine regarding the harmful andbeneficial effects of testosterone or FLEX MAGAZINE the november 1996 issue. For more information on specific steroids, their effects and side effects,such books as the World Anabolic Review (800-294-6181) or the Anabolic Reference Guide (800-615-8500) should be consulted.
Should I start my first cycle? If you are under the age of 20 you shouldn't even consider the possibility. Teenagers are already experiencing an anabolic spurt and the risks far outweigh the benefit. Many anabolic steroids have the potential to stunt your growth, so that is something every teenager should consider if they have any expectation of becoming a professional athlete where short people have a much lower probability of success. If you live in the US, Canada or other countries where steroids are strictly regulated, you should consider the consequences of breaking the law. If you have only been lifting weights for a few years, you should consider that inexperienced weightlifters rarely show benefits from the use of steroids. If you think that you will only use the milder anabolic steroids, you should consider that just about everyone who uses the more dangerous steroids started out that way. Cycles of deca and primo turn into cycles of anadrol and testosterone. These compounds can be psychologically addictive, and the desire for more is a dangerous game. If you think that you are capable of self-administering these compounds,you should consider how much you really know about human physiology and pharmacology. What would you do if you hit a nerve with your needle? What would you do if you get an abscess or infection? How would you know if your liver or kidneys were suffering? Is there a doctor around who can run blood tests to monitor your health? If you think that you can handle these drugs, you should really think about what it will mean to come off cycle. How will you taper or ween yourself off? The desire to stay on these compounds can be over whelming. I know guys who go on and never come off. The potential for damage from this practice is astounding. If you think that you want to start a cycle, you should consider what exactly is your goal. At age 25 you may want to look better, but at age 35 or later you'll begin to become concerned about your health. Is the risk of problems, such as cardiovascular disease, which take some time to develop worth the risk, when your looks can improve dramatically through weightlifting without anabolic steroids? If you think you're ready, you should consider that many guys use steroids and make very few muscle gains because the potential for using them incorrectly is enormous. These people are increasing their chance of suffering the side effects and they aren't even achieving the main effect(putative benefit) because they don't know how to use them properly, workout properly and eat properly. The potential errors that can be made are extensive. See lists in the World Anabolic Review and the Anabolic Reference Guide for common errors. Once you have thought about all this and have extensive knowledge in this are a wait another year before beginning. This will allow you plenty of time for more thought and it will demonstrate your dedication to the iron. Decisions of this magnitude should not be made quickly. As I always tell a pushy salesman, "if I have to decide today, the answer is no."
I'm going to start my first cycle. What are the safest steroids and in what doses should they be used? Self-administered steroids are rarely ever safe. In addition, black market steroids can contain virtually any substance - it's like playing Russian roulette. And, if you don't know which ones are safer than others,this indicates you don't have enough information to begin a steroid cycle. You must be well-educated in this area before you begin. Otherwise, it will be very easy to make mistakes. Always consult your physician before adding any drug to your system. Make sure that your physician monitors you while you are on that drug. Injectable steroids are far easier on the liver in general than oral preparations. Of course, sterile technique and clean (new) needles and syringes should be used for injection. Any injection carries the potential risk of bacterial infection. Sharing needles can increase the risk of spreading viruses including HIV, Hepatitis C and others. Fake steroids often result in infection because the products are often made in a non-sterile environment. It is also possible to cause an embolism from inadvertent intravenous injection. In addition, it is possible to impalethe sciatic nerve during a gluteal injection which can be extremelypainful. Some of the milder anabolic steroids include deca-durabolin, equipoise,primobolan and oxandrolone. Some of the harsher anabolic steroids that result in more harmful effects include testosterone esters, anadrol and dianabol. When considering dosage, most lifters base their dose on total mg/week. Whether it is deca or test, the most important consideration is the total mg/week. The question these users have to address is how much risk are they willing to take? Obviously, the higher the dosage, the greater the risk they're taking. In addition, these users often decrease their risk of harmful effects by using a higher percentage of the milder anabolic steroids listed above. Those users who choose to take a greater risk will use a higher percentage of the harsher steroids listed above. For example,some guys might choose to do 800 mg/week. If all of that 800 mg is test, the risk of harmful effects is much greater than if these guys used 250 mg test in conjunction with 550 mg of deca (which is a safer anabolic steroid). What dosage a user chooses is completely up to that individual and the risk they're willing to take. However, they should recognize the risks associated with various dosage levels. Many first time users try 200mg/week. Many experienced users push 2000 mg/week (10 times more). Some bodybuilders have been known to use 5000 mg/week, although this is certainly a waste of the pharmaceuticals. Many first time users will notice good gains between 200 and 400 mg/week. Experienced users often get good gains between 600 and 800 mg/week. Unfortunately, harmful effects,such as gyno, often show up when users take 750 mg/week or more (this does not mean gyno will not show up at lower doses, just that it occurs with low frequency at lower doses). So, many guys build great physiques, never exceeding 700 mg/week. Of course, Dan Duchaine once said "you give a guy 2 grams of anything a week and he's going to grow."
If you are looking to use steroids for athletic or aesthetic purposes, doctors can not, and will not, prescribe them for you in the United States,Canada and several other countries. 95% of the items on the black market are fakes(IN USA,CANADA). Attempting to obtain steroids from someone you met on the net can be stupid. They could be law enforcement looking to make a bust, or they will simply take your money - they won't even waste time with a fake product. Remember that i dont sell any steroids so dont send any letters to me asking for them. People often obtain the drugs in countries where the regulations are not as strict while visiting or through mail order. Others obtain them from veterinary supply houses. Or they are obtained from that really big guy in the gym. :-)
Are my steroids real? Make sure that the substance in question doesn't have a picture in the World Anabolic Review or the Anabolic Reference Guide. No serious steroid user should be without at least one of these manuals. They provide pictures of various real and fake steroids. If a picture of your steroid is in this book, people will be frustrated with the question. In addition,these books give several guidelines for determining if it's real. If it is not in this book, you may ask the group. However, it is very difficult to answer these types of questions without actually seeing the product and usually people will only answer with the standard guidelines.
What is the proper way to taper off cycle? Do not use anabolics that aromatize or suppress endogenous testosterone for a taper. Any substance that suppresses endogenous test production will be very harsh for coming off cycle. A proper taper can help avoid psychological addiction. Substances like deca-durabolin, equipoise, laurabolin, primobolan and proviron are commonly used for tapering. The two best compounds for tapering are probably primobolan and proviron. Here is one way that people taper:
Is bridging between cycles beneficial? No, it is very dangerous. When you decide to use small quantities of steroids between cycles, you must recognize that you are not between cycles. You have gone on steroids permanently. This is a very drastic move and one that should not be contemplated lightly. Many pro-bodybuilders go on and stay on. Consider the serious health ramifications of this decision. But, you say, you'll only do 50 or 100 mg of deca a week to bridge. This is a mistake and a waste of juice and androgen receptors. This won't have too many harmful effects associated, but this will prevent androgenreceptors from ever returning to normal levels. So, when a person decides to go back "on-cycle", they get few benefits from the higher dose steroids because their receptors are still down-graded. At this point the person begins to question if the steroids are real because they aren't seeing an effect. Bridging is a demonstration of how steroids can be psychologically addictive. Guys say they're off cycle, guys say they aren't psychologically dependent, but they still have to take a shot every week. Some of the guys who get the best gains from their cycles are the ones who only do one 10 week cycle a year. The entire rest of the year their training is causing an increase in androgen receptors. When they finally hit these receptors with juice, they are primed for action. Bridging is a mistake. It is far more detrimental to progress than people believe. If a person decides that they are going to go on without coming off, they will not get any benefit from bridging with small quantities. Pros that go on and don't come off use serious quantities year round. Don't risk your health by going on permanently. Some would argue that it is worth the risk if the person could earn millions of dollars as a result of the steroid use. These people are definitely not choosing bodybuilding as their sport.
Are steroids morally wrong? Moral arguments against the use of steroids usually fail miserably. One assumption made in this argument is that everyone has a common morality which is certainly false. Second, people often forget that even over-the-counter drugs have harmful effects and that legal status is often determined by political ideology, not by the safety of a drug. For example, alcohol and nicotine both have inherent side effects, but their overwhelming demand, and other historical reasons, have led to their legality in a democratic society, not their relative safety.
How do you Inject Anabolic Steroids? When injecting steroids, whether water or oil based, they must be taken intramuscularly, i.e. the injection must penetrate the skin and surface fat and enter the muscle. The most common area to inject into is the upper outer quarter of the buttock. Injections can also be placed into the outer thigh. Intramuscular injections should be given deep within the muscle(not to deep so the needle is going through the muscle) and away from major nerves and blood vessels. Some solutions can be harder to inject than others, causing the needle to block sometimes. Shake the solution vigorously before drawing into the syringe to avoid blocking. The most acceptable needle is a 19 or 21 gauge (1.5 inch) with a 2.5ml syringe. Needles shorter than 1 inch are not recommended. The injection site should be cleaned with an alcohol swab. Always use a new syringe and a new needle. To clear the syringe of air slowly squeeze the plunger, needle pointed up, until the air bubbles near the top are pushed out. Do not touch the needle. Once the syringe is inserted deepinto the muscle, pull back on the plunger and make sure there is no bloodin the syringe (indicating you've hit a blood vessel). Slowly inject the oil, withdraw the needle and press a new alcohol swab on the site. Rub the area vigorously. Always discard the used needle properly: use a needle disposal bin or coffee jar and return to a needle exchange. It is not recommended to use the same injection site more than twice a week.
What are the best cycles of Anabolic Steroids? The best cycles are those that last a short period of time. Those cycles usually lasts 6-8 weeks because the most muscle gain come in the first month of the cycle.
Here is some examples off diffrent types of cycles: Diamond Pattern Cycle:
The Increase-as-you-go Cycle:
Decrease the days Cycle:This cycle is often used with sustenon
Stacking Cycle
+ stacking with Proviron or Nolvadex, especially under the high dose weeks Testex is a brand name for Testosterone Cyponate(for more info look steroidlist) This cycle is used for weight gain. If you don�t know what drugs I�am talking about look at the steroid list below.
Cutting cycle
This cycle is used for fat loss and muscle gain. Proviron and Nolvadex is not nesecerry.
Steroid list
This is a simple steroid list with the most common steroids and some pictures of them. The dose given is just an example. Many steroid users use a lot more and some use less. The steroids are also rated on SIZE, STRENGH and SIDE EFFECTS. * Indicates the lowest value and ***** the highest. Ex. a steroid which gives high size and strengh gains but also many side effects will be rated *****.
Andriol(Restandol,Undestor) This is oral testosterone(testosterone undeconate)made by organon. It looks like beans and are brown with the inscription ORG on oneside and DV3 on the other. Organon claims this is a product with good effect and almost no side effects but andriol does not live up to that reputation. It is a weak steroid but it will work better if it is stacked with somthing else(Deca).
Size:** Strengh:** Side effects:**
The dose is usually 4-10 tabs divided over the day. each tab contains 40mg of steroid.
Anadrol(Hemogenin,Anapolon 50, Oxitosona 50) This is a strong one! Oxymetholone is Probably the most anabolic on the market. This is a oral steroid with the evil 17 alpa-alkyl molekyl witch makes it so effective but also so toxic. Anadrol should be used with an anti estrogen like nolvadex or proviron and not for more than 4 weeks. Size:***** Strengh:***** Side effects:*****
Dose 1-5mg/kg/day. Each tab contains 50mg of steroid.
Anavar(Oxandrin,Antitriol,Lonavar) Oxandrolone is very low in androgen and its primarily used in conjunction with other steroids. This is a very safe anabolic steroid that promote protein anabolism. This drug is very popular amoungst the womens bodybuilding circuit as well as the womens fitness circuit. This steroid is very mild and is non androgenic. This means it will literaly not aromatize under most normal conditions (much like primabolon). This drug is most commonly know for its ability of promoting a lean and hard look; unlike most steroids that aromatize easily and create a smooth bloated look, anavar will not. Anavar does not suppres testosterone production so its good for tapering and you will not have to use HCG or Clomid after a cycle. People usually use this drug in a cutting cycle. Size:* Sthrengh:* Side effects:*
Dose 20-80 mg per day for men and 10-20 mg for women.
Dianabol(Danabol, Metabolina, Nerobol) Methandrostenolone was a very popular drug in the 70�s, and still is. It is a 17 alpa-alkyl based steroid which produces dramatic strengh and size gains. This is also a very toxic drug. This drug is probably the reason for Arnolds muscles. Arnold loved a combination of Primobolan Depot and Dianabol. Size:***** Strengh:***** Side effects:*****
Dose 15-35mg per day
Sustenon(Sostenon) This is a blend of four different steroids.
This is a self tapering steroid blend which gives good gains. Will give good results when used in a decrease the days cycle.
Size:**** Strengh:**** Side effects:****
Dose 1-4cc per week
Omnadren This is Sustanons polisch brother. Insted of Testosterone isocaporate and testosterone decanotate Omadren contains testosterone isohexanoate and testosterone hexanoate. This modification makes Omnadren even stronger than it�s brother. But the side effects are worse.
Size:***** Strengh:***** Side effects:*****
Dose same as sustenon.
Testesterone esters Testosterone is dissolved in water and various esters which determines its life span in the body. Generally, Testosterone Suspension last one day in the body, Testosterone Propionate last 3-5 days. Testosterone Cypionate last 1-3 weeks and Testosterone Enanthate last from 2-4 weeks.
Size:**** Strengh:**** Side effects:****
Dose: Testosterone Suspension 1cc every other day, Propionate 100-200mg every 3 days, Cyponate 200-600mg/week, Enanthate 200-600mg every 10-14 days.
Winstrol(Winstol V,Winstol Depot) Stanozolol is primarily used as a cutting up drug by males and females. It's promotes protein anabolism and it's low on androgen. The injectable form of Winstrol (Winstrol V in the US & Winstrol Depot in Europe) is considered by athletes to be much safer than the oral form.Tabs are 2mg and the injectable form 50mg/cc, has to be taken 2-3 times a week.
Size:* Strengh:** Side effects:**
Dose is 100-300mg/week(winstol V,D), 40-50mg/day(oral)
Primobolan This is a high anabolic low anadrogenic(almost none)steroid. Methenolone is a popular steroid for females and competitors because of it�s low anadrogen properties. Primobolan is often stacked with other steroids ex. Primobolan+Deca+Sustenon in a bulk cycle and Primobolan+Winstrol+Testosterone undecanate in a cutting cycle. Size:* Strengh:* Side effects:*
Dose is 2-6 tabs a day(usually comes in 50mg tabs and 100mg/cc amps)or 200-300mg/week
Deca durabolin Nandrolone decanoate does not effect the immune system, unlike testosterone! It will not damage connective tissue, i.e. elbows, knees (Big problem amoungst heavy steroid users). It does not aromatize easily. Can help impotence! Gives the body a lean hard look. My favorite, it can be detected in the body a year after discontinued use. Sorry I lied, this is my favorite-it is has the highest probability of being conterfited on the black market! Nandrolone decanoate is one of the most popular steroids on the market. This steroid has very few side effects.
Size:*** Strengh:*** Side effects:**
Dose 200-800mg every 7 to 14 days . Durabolin Nandrolone phenlypropionate is a fast acting form of Deca durabolin. Almost simular effects as Deca. It only lasts up to 5 days in the body. Comes in 2cc amps.
Size:*** Strengh:*** Side effects:**
Dose 200-800mg per week(must be taken every 4-5 days)
Laurabolin(Fortabol) Nandrolone Laureate is longer acting form of Deca. The drawback is its poor solubility in oil. Deca durabolin can be consentrated as high as 200mg/cc. Laurabolins limit is 50mg/cc. Because of its long acting properties its also very slow acting. Almost as effective as Deca if you are not impatient for results.It comes in 20mg/cc and 50mg/cc in 10cc and 50cc vials.
Size:*** Strenght:*** Side effects:**
Dose 200-800mg every 14-20 days
Parabolan Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is an androgen which is highly praised by strength athletes. Parabolan causes a tremendous increase in muscle hardness and muscle strength. It comes in a 76mg ampule and it last 2-4 days in the body. Parabolan works very well when stacked with a low androgen steroid (i.e. Anavar) during a cutting cycle . Parabolan does not aromtize!. Parabolan is generally considered an advanced users drug, too strong and harsh to recommend to a beginner or non-competitive bodybuilder. For competition purposes, it produces a very hard and vascular physique.
Size:***** Strengh:***** Side effects:*****
Dosage: 152-304 mg/week
Proviron Masterolone is a anadrogenic steroid with almost no anabolic action. It is used as a anti estrogen and gives the body a hard dense look.
Size:* Strengh:** Side effects:****
Dose 1-2 tabs a day(comes in 25mg tabs)
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a drug used to jump start the body's production of testosterone after the end of a steroid cycle. It act in the body by imitating the action of LH ( a hormone that regulated testosterone production).
Dose 2500iu to 5000iu/week
Nolvadex Tamoxifen Citrate is used as an anti estrogen. It will stop gyno. Comes in 10mg tabs. Bad effect: Makes steroids work less! Only use it if you really need it. Have been conected to testicular cancer in rat studies(oocchh).
SYNTHOL Pump'n Pose... the original German Synthol invented by Chris Clark. Synthol is not a steroid. It is a kind of oil that you inject in your muscles and they will grow. It is NOT ILLEGAL and it works great. With this stuff you can ad 5cm(2")to your arms in 30 days. It works great on delts and calves to. And best of all you can order it on the internet! Shipped around the world via FedEx in 2-3 business days! To order it CLICK HERE.
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THE DEATH OF ANDREAS M�NZER.................................................................................................................................................................. This info was taken from the article about Andreas Munzer in Der Spiegel(It could be made up by a reporter). This is the drugs he took to prepare for the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS CYCLE IT IS LETHAL!!!!
10-0 weeks before the competition he took daily: Ephederine, AN 1, Captagon, Aspirine, Valium, Clenbuterol,Thyroid hormone
10-6 weeks before the Competition daily: 2 injects Testoviron a 250 mg 1 inject Parabolan 30 tabletts Halotestin 30 tabletts Metandienon(Dianabol from Thailand) 20 IE Gh 20 IE Insuline
5-3 weeks before the Competition daily: 3 injects Masteron 2 injects Parabolan 30 tabletts Halotestin 50 tabletts Stromba 2 injects Stromba 24 IE Gh 20 IE Insuline
2-1 weeks before the Competition daily: 2 injects Masteron 2 injects Stromba 40 tabletts Halotestin 80 tabletts Stromba 24 IE Gh 20 IE Insuline IGF
A few days before the Competition: Aldactone, Lasix
He also took EPO and blood pressure medication.After the long flight back to germany he became dehydrated.After landing he began drinking fluids and with his dehydrated state and very thick blood his liver basically disinegrated.
First his liver, then his kidney and to be continued his heart failed.After all this, his stomach was filled wis blood and he died.He also refused a blood transfusion. |